Mari bersama berbagi informasi
KARTINI KOMPUTER SEBARKAN ILMU KEPADA SIAPA SAJA Pemberian yang tidak pernah habis adalah menyebarkan Ilmu yang bermanfaat


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Bagaimana cara Memperbaiki Laptop Acer Aspire One??

Bagi yang punya Laptop Acer Aspire One, layar tidak mau tampil tapi ketika tombol on dipencet lampu hidup maka jangan buru buru dibawa ketempat service dulu,.coba langkah langkah berikut dengan update Bios:

Langkah 1: Siapkan Flasdisk bisa kapasitas 1 GB, 2GB dll, Format dengan partisi Fat

Langkah 2: Download File Bios di link ini:

Langkah 3: Extrax File Zipnya, kemudian copykan kedua file didalamnya (FLASHIT.EXE dan ZG5IA32.FD)

Langkah 4:Tancapkan salah Flasdisk kedalam salah satu USB Port

Langkah 5:Hidup atau colok carger netbook Acer Aspire One

Langkah 6:pada keyboard Tekan Tombol Fn dan Esc kemudian tahan dan kemudian tekan
tombol power satu kali saja, tahan Fn dan Esc hingga 30 detik sampai indikator power blinking.

Langkah 7: Tekan tombol power sekali lagi, biarkan sampai lampu indikator flasdisk berhenti menyala: (Proses flash bios berlangsung!)

Langkah 8: Restart/ Hidupkan kembali Notebook dengan cara normal: Notebook akan hidup kembali seperti semula


Thursday, October 20, 2011

DRIVER TV GADMEI UTV 330+ Plus PDF Pasword Remover

Akhirnya setelah searching sana sini untuk mendapatkan Paket Driver dan software TV GADMEI UTV 330+ ketemu juga di :
Banyak dari sobat2 yang kesusahan nyari driver ini, bahkan di Web GATMEI Sendiri Filenya G Bisa dipakai. Nah bagi yang ingin download silahkan klik link diatas, semoga membantu.
Setelah Lama nggak dipakai TV ini kembali bisa dioperasikan terutama buat merekam berita2 penting,.

Nah software satu ini buat ngilangin pasword di PDF namanya PDF Pasword Remover Bisa di download di Link : (Selengkapnya,..)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tip Praktis Internet Lebih Cepat

Internet lemot seperti lumrah di negeri ini. Mungkinkah kita membuat Internet yang kita gunakan menjadi agak lebih cepat? Walaupun menggunakan sambungan yang ada sekarang? Berikut ini adalah beberapa tip & trick sederhana yang mungkin bisa digunakan agar kita dapat ber-Internet agak lebih cepat sedikit walaupun menggunakan sambungan yang itu-itu juga yang tadinya lemot.

Semua aplikasi Internet dari komputer atau laptop kita pada dasar melalui satu sambungan saja, Bisa melalui Speedy, HotSpot / Wifi, Selular dll. jadi sebetulnya semua aplikasi akan berebut tempat untuk bisa mengakses ke Internet. Tentunya makin banyak aplikasi yang kita gunakan maka sambungan yang lebarnya terbatas harus di bagi ke semua aplikasi yang ingin mengakses.

Tip #1 - Beri prioritas chatting. Kita perlu memberikan prioritas aplikasi yang harus diresponds dengan cepat untuk di dahulukan sementara aplikasi yang dapat di tunda kita letakan belakangan. Misalnya, Twitter, Chatting atau Google Talk biasanya harus di dahulukan karena kita ingin supaya informasi dari kita sampai dengan cepat. Sebaiknya jika kita sedang chatting atau Gtalk sebaiknya aplikasi lainnya di tunda dulu agar responds-nya cepat.

Tip #2 - Tunda download dan Torrent. Download & torrent akan membebani sambungan ke Internet. Kalau bisa Download & Torrent di tunda di lakukan pada saat kita tidur akan lebih baik. Kalau pun di paksakan, usahakan pada saat kita aktif Download & Torrent di atur agar menggunakan bandwidth seminimal mungkin. Alternatif lain, cari copykan file yang kita inginkan dari teman hehehe ... supaya tidak perlu download sama sekali.

Tip #3 - Akses web. Akses ke Web mungkin perlu di prioritaskan sesudah chatting supaya kita memperoleh akses yang agak cepat.

Tip #4 - Jangan menggunakan Webmail. Jangan menggunakan webmail untuk membaca e-mail. Usahakan sebisa mungkin menggunakan aplikasi seperti Thunderbird, Evolution atau Outlook untuk membaca e-mail. Aplikasi ini akan menyedot e-mail terlebih dulu. Kita membaca e-mail secara OFFLINE jadi lebih cepat. Mungkin ada baiknya jangan menggunakan fasilitas message di facebook yang berbasis Web.

Tip #5 - Gunakan aplikasi untuk Facebook & Twitter. Sebaiknya akses ke Facebook & Twitter menggunakan aplikasi bukan Web. Karena akan lebih cepat daripada menggunakan Web. Biasanya di handphone seperti android di sediakan banyak aplikasi untuk mengakses Facebook & Twitter. Salah satu aplikasi favorit yang enak untuk mengakses keduanya dengan mudah adalah hootsuite.

Tip #6 - Basmi Virus. Virus & Trojan memang menyebalkan terutama bagi mereka yang masih menggunakan Windows. Virus & Trojan sering kali membuat traffic sendiri di jaringan. Sebagian mengambil alih sambungan ke Internet sehingga sambungkan kita menjadi lemot sekali. Pastikan tidak ada virus di komputer anda supaya sambungan ke Internet tidak menjadi lemot.

Tip #7 - Cari Sinyal HP. Teknologi Selular akan mengatur kecepatan secara automatis tergantung kekuatan sinyal yang dia di terima. Kalau sinyal baik maka secara automatis HP akan menaikan kecepatan. Kalau sinyal lemah maka kecepatan akan diturunkan. Oleh karenanya usahakan naikan sinyal, bisa dengan cara mencari posisi yang baik atau bagi yang suka ngutak-ngatik dapat membuat sendiri antenna tambahan seperti Wajanbolic 3G, Bazooka GPRS dll.

Tip #8 - Perbaiki Kabel. Kabel yang tidak baik akan menyebabkan sambungan ke Internet putus-putus. Kabel ini dapat kabel LAN atau kabel Telepon kalau menggunakan Speedy. Pastikan semua kabel bagus & tidak ada sambungan yang longgar.

Tip #9 - Akses Lokal. Sebisa mungkin menggunakan aplikasi atau server lokal. Karena Server yang ada di luar negeri akan menyebabkan kita mengakses dengan lambat karena banyak-nya orang yang akses. Misalnya anda menggunakan blog mungkin lebih baik menggunakan blogdetik yang lokal. Untuk forum sebaiknya menggunakan yang lokal.

Tip #10 - Akses HotSpot Salah satu masalah paling besar dari Akses HotSpot sebetulnya keterbatasan jumlah pengguna. Teknologi HotSpot yang ada sekarang hanya dapat di bebani sekitar 10+ laptop untuk satu HotSpot. Jadi kalau di sebuah Hotel atau Restoran yang punya satu HotSpot ada lebih dari 10 misalnya 20 laptop di jamin halal akses anda akan lemot karena paket data akan tabrakan di udara.

Tip #11 - Hindari situs XXX Jangan kaget kalau situs XXX banyak tempat bersarangnya virus & trojan kadang sangat jahat sekali karena ditujukan untuk mencuri kartu kredit dll. Sialnya ni virus suka bikin Internet kita jadi lemot. Sebaiknya menghindari situs esek-esek.



Saturday, August 13, 2011

Link Download majalah Linux Bahasa Indonesia

Link Download majalah Linux Bahasa Indonesia dapat dilihat dibawah ini:

Tahun 2003, 2004, 2005, dan 2009 (FTP):

Tahun 2006 (HTTP):

Tahun 2007 (HTTP):

Tahun 2008 (HTTP):

Tahun 2010 (File hosting gratisan):


Monday, July 18, 2011

Harddisk Konvensional Akan Digantikan SSD??

Ada saatnya komputer yang kita gunakan saat ini tidak lagi menggunakan harddisk konvensional yang menggunakan piringan . Sebab saat ini dipasaran sudah mulai dijual secara part2 SSD harddisk.
Apa keunggulan SSD (Solid State Disk) ini dengan harddisk piringan, mari kita cermati satu persatu:
  1. Komsumsi daya lebih rendah
  2. Kecepatan transfer data lebih tinggi (bisa sampai 10 kali kecepatan harddisk konvensional)
  3. Lebih tahan dan awet, karena tidak lagi menggunakan motor serta plate magnetik yang rentan terhadap guncangan.

Nanti kalau sudah ada waktu kita akan mengulas prinsip kerja SSD ini.

Namun untuk saat ini harga SSD masih tergolong agak mahal dibandingkan harddisk konvensional, mungkin karena masih belum banyak produsen dipasaran. Tapi jika produsen cina sudah mulai membidik usaha ini,mudah mudahan harga dipasaran akan semakin terjangkau.

Sebagai konsumen tentunya memiliki keinginan untuk menggunakan perangkat dengan kinerja yang baik namun juga harga terjangkau.

Anda tertarik untuk mengganti harddisk di Laptop anda dengan SSD?


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Cara Mengedit File Flash

Seringkali kita menjumpai dalam sebuah situs sebuah animasi atau movie dengan format .swf, file tersebut merupakan file animasi hasil pembuatan oleh adobe flash yang telah diekspor menjadi file .swf

Jika anda menemukan file .swf dan ingin mengeditnya kembali, maka anda tidak bisa mengeditnya secara langsung. Anda harus mengconvert file .swf tersebut terlebih dahulu menjadi file flash (.fla) dan mengeditnya dengan Adobe Flash. Anda bisa mengconvert file .swf menjadi .fla dengan menggunakan software Swf Decompiler yang memiliki harga yang lumayan mahal.

Namun ternyata ada juga solusi gratis jika anda ingin mengedit file .swf, anda bisa menggunakan software gratis SwfModify yang memiliki fitur yang tidak kalah dengan SWF Decompiler. SwfModify adalah software gratis yang bisa anda gunakan untuk mengedit file .swf atau mengconvertnya menjadi flash file yang bisa anda edit dengan Adobe Flash.

SwfModify memiliki beberapa fitur berikut ini :
1. Melihat dan mengedit file SWF
2. Menghapus item dari flash movie
3. Mereplace item dengan gambar dan tulisan
4. Mereplace item dengan flash item lainnya
5. Export shape, movie clip dan sound yang ada di flash movie

SwfModify bisa anda gunakan dengan baik di komputer bersisitem operasi windows seperti windows 200, windows XP, windows Vista, dan Windows 7.

Download SwfModify | Size : 1,53 Mb | Lisensi : Gratis

Cara Download File SWF:

Saat ini semua jenis animasi yang beredar di internet, semuanya hampir berformat SWF dan Flash. Terutama SWF sangat banyak beredar, karena selain populer, format SWF ini juga sangat berukurang kecil sekali (untuk video toturial), dan tentunya dengan sangat mudah dijalankan melalui web browser yang telah disertakan plug-ins shockwave player.

Jika anda ingin menyimpan video yang adna lihat pada harddisk anda, tetapi memang terkadang membingungkan bagaimana cara menyimpan file SWF tersebut. Berikut tips untuk menyimpan file tersebut ke harddisk anda. Tips ini bisa dijalankan di web browser Firefox, Internet Explorer, dan Opera, tanpa harus meng-install plug-ins lagi.

1. Menyimpan dari Browser MozillaFirefox
Untuk Pemula :

1. Klik Tools – Page Info
2. Pilih tab Media di bagian Page Info Windows
3. Disana ditampilkan daftar lengkap dengan preview data gambar, CSS files dan Shockwave Flash yang sudah didownload oleh Firefox ketika membuka filenya.
4. Scroll down dan cari file swf yang diinginkan.
5. Klik tombol Save As, dan simpan dilokasi yang diinginkan.

Untuk Power Users :

1. Buka browser
2. Tuliskan di URL Address about:cache?device=disk .
3. Akan ditampilkan semua data sementara dari hasil browsing, seperti gambar, file php, Shockwave flash dan lainnya.
4. Untuk mencari tinggal klik Ctrl+F dan cari nama bagian web atau hanya tulis .swf.
5. Setelah ditemukan maka klik kanan linknya dan pilih Save link as

2. Menyimpan dari browser Internet Explorer

1. Klik Tools – Internet Options
2. Di bagian General Tab, Klik Settings dibagian Temporary Internet Files group.
3. Klik View Files untuk melihat isi folder Temporary Internet Files folder. Folder ini dapat berisi ratusan , ribuan bahkan lebih, tergantung setting maksimal spacenya.
4. Untuk mencari file swf, tinggal urutkan berdasarkan file types. Dan cari dengan tipe Shockwave flash object.
5. Jika sudah ditemukan, simpan file tersebut ke folder lain

Menyimpan di browser Opera
Caranya seperti menyimpan dalam browser Internet Explorer.

Saat ini semua jenis animasi yang beredar di internet, semuanya hampir berformat SWF dan Flash. Terutama SWF sangat banyak beredar, karena selain populer, format SWF ini juga sangat berukurang kecil sekali (untuk video toturial), dan tentunya dengan sangat mudah dijalankan melalui web browser yang telah disertakan plug-ins shockwave player.

Jika anda ingin menyimpan video yang adna lihat pada harddisk anda, tetapi memang terkadang membingungkan bagaimana cara menyimpan file SWF tersebut. Berikut tips untuk menyimpan file tersebut ke harddisk anda. Tips ini bisa dijalankan di web browser Firefox, Internet Explorer, dan Opera, tanpa harus meng-install plug-ins lagi.

1. Menyimpan dari Browser MozillaFirefox
Untuk Pemula :

1. Klik Tools – Page Info
2. Pilih tab Media di bagian Page Info Windows
3. Disana ditampilkan daftar lengkap dengan preview data gambar, CSS files dan Shockwave Flash yang sudah didownload oleh Firefox ketika membuka filenya.
4. Scroll down dan cari file swf yang diinginkan.
5. Klik tombol Save As, dan simpan dilokasi yang diinginkan.

Untuk Power Users :

1. Buka browser
2. Tuliskan di URL Address about:cache?device=disk .
3. Akan ditampilkan semua data sementara dari hasil browsing, seperti gambar, file php, Shockwave flash dan lainnya.
4. Untuk mencari tinggal klik Ctrl+F dan cari nama bagian web atau hanya tulis .swf.
5. Setelah ditemukan maka klik kanan linknya dan pilih Save link as

2. Menyimpan dari browser Internet Explorer

1. Klik Tools – Internet Options
2. Di bagian General Tab, Klik Settings dibagian Temporary Internet Files group.
3. Klik View Files untuk melihat isi folder Temporary Internet Files folder. Folder ini dapat berisi ratusan , ribuan bahkan lebih, tergantung setting maksimal spacenya.
4. Untuk mencari file swf, tinggal urutkan berdasarkan file types. Dan cari dengan tipe Shockwave flash object.
5. Jika sudah ditemukan, simpan file tersebut ke folder lain

Menyimpan di browser Opera
Caranya seperti menyimpan dalam browser Internet Explorer.

Source :

Saat ini semua jenis animasi yang beredar di internet, semuanya hampir berformat SWF dan Flash. Terutama SWF sangat banyak beredar, karena selain populer, format SWF ini juga sangat berukurang kecil sekali (untuk video toturial), dan tentunya dengan sangat mudah dijalankan melalui web browser yang telah disertakan plug-ins shockwave player.

Jika anda ingin menyimpan video yang adna lihat pada harddisk anda, tetapi memang terkadang membingungkan bagaimana cara menyimpan file SWF tersebut. Berikut tips untuk menyimpan file tersebut ke harddisk anda. Tips ini bisa dijalankan di web browser Firefox, Internet Explorer, dan Opera, tanpa harus meng-install plug-ins lagi.

1. Menyimpan dari Browser MozillaFirefox
Untuk Pemula :

1. Klik Tools – Page Info
2. Pilih tab Media di bagian Page Info Windows
3. Disana ditampilkan daftar lengkap dengan preview data gambar, CSS files dan Shockwave Flash yang sudah didownload oleh Firefox ketika membuka filenya.
4. Scroll down dan cari file swf yang diinginkan.
5. Klik tombol Save As, dan simpan dilokasi yang diinginkan.

Untuk Power Users :

1. Buka browser
2. Tuliskan di URL Address about:cache?device=disk .
3. Akan ditampilkan semua data sementara dari hasil browsing, seperti gambar, file php, Shockwave flash dan lainnya.
4. Untuk mencari tinggal klik Ctrl+F dan cari nama bagian web atau hanya tulis .swf.
5. Setelah ditemukan maka klik kanan linknya dan pilih Save link as

2. Menyimpan dari browser Internet Explorer

1. Klik Tools – Internet Options
2. Di bagian General Tab, Klik Settings dibagian Temporary Internet Files group.
3. Klik View Files untuk melihat isi folder Temporary Internet Files folder. Folder ini dapat berisi ratusan , ribuan bahkan lebih, tergantung setting maksimal spacenya.
4. Untuk mencari file swf, tinggal urutkan berdasarkan file types. Dan cari dengan tipe Shockwave flash object.
5. Jika sudah ditemukan, simpan file tersebut ke folder lain

Menyimpan di browser Opera
Caranya seperti menyimpan dalam browser Internet Explorer.

Source :


Friday, June 17, 2011

Recovery Harddisk

Ada beberapa cara untuk mengembalikan data yang sudah ke Format, terhapus ataupun hilang dari harddisk, untuk mengembalikannya dapat menggunakan Software Get data Back, Softwarenya dapat di Download DISINI

Get Data Back sendiri ada 2 jenis :
1. Get Data Back for FAT32 : yaitu untuk mengembalikan data di partisi FAT32
2. Get Data Back for NTFS : yaitu untuk mengembalikan data di partisi FAT32

Jadi sebelum anda mulai proses, pastikan dulu jenis partisi apa yang akan anda recovery datanya, FAT32 ataukah NTFS.

Langsung aja, Cara Recovery Data dengan Get Data Back :
Kebetulan kali ini saya menggunakan Get Data Back 2.31 for NTFS untuk mengembalikan data hilang di Harddisk dengan partisi NTFS

Persiapan alat :
1. Program Get Data Back harus yang full version,
kalau tidak full anda hanya akan bisa melihat data anda tapi tidak bisa mengembalikan ( mengcopy ) data anda kembali. Anda bisa download program ini di,, dll, sangat banyak sekali dapat anda temukan.

2. Komputer dengan windows XP yang normal.

3. Harddisk atau Flash disk untuk tempat penyimpan hasil recovery dengan kapasitas sesuai dengan data yang akan anda recover / kembalikan.

Panduan Cara Recovery Data dengan Get Data Back :

1. Install program Get Data Back di komputer normal. Ingat harus yang full.

2. Pasang Harddisk yang akan direcovery sebagai hardisk kedua (secondary) di komputer normal tadi.

3. Jalankan program Get Data Back 2.31 for NTFS,

4. Pastikan pilihan Logical Drives terpilih, terus Next.

5. Pilih partisi / keseluruhan hardisk yang akan di recover. Dalam contoh ini saya memilih partisi I pada hardisk I.(yang di blok hijau)kemudian NEXT.

6. Pilih sesuai kebutuhan anda. "Search Entire Drive" akan melakukan scan ke seluruh permukaan Harddisk. Opsi "Search Partial Drive" hanya akan melakukan scan ke bagian yang kita pilih saja. Saya pilih "Search Partial Drive", Next.

7. Kemudian program Get Data Back akan melakuan scanning data. Proses ini akan memakan waktu cukup lama, tergantung dari kecepatan CPU dan besarnya kapasitas harddisk yang direcovery.

8. Setelah proses scanning selesai maka akan tampil seperti gambar dibawah ini. Di situ biasanya ada banyak pilihan, kebetulan yang dicontoh ini ada 2 pilihan. Semua pilihan itu berisi data yang anda recovery. Anda dapat memilih satu satu secara bergantian dengan menekan menu BACK. Untuk pertama kali pilih yang paling atas. Kemudian pilih NEXT.

9. Get Data Back akan mengembalikan Data Anda.

10. Setelah proses, maka akan tampil directory data yang siap anda recovery. Pilih Data yang akan anda recovery. Jika sudah Anda temukan, klik kanan pada folder kemudian pilih Copy dan Simpan di media sekunder yang sudah Anda persiapkan sebelumnya.

"Jangan menyimpan file hasil recovery ini ke dalam drive/partisi yang sedang Anda recovery saat ini. Hal ini bisa mengakibatkan hilangnya data yang lebih besar."

11. Selesai

Program Get Data Back ini sudah sering saya gunakan, dan hasilnya cukup memuaskan, walaupun terkadang ada beberapa file yang rusak yang tidak terselamatkan. File yang rusak ini disebabkan oleh tertumpuknya file lama dengan file baru atau bahkan karena memang harddisk telah mengalami kerusakan fisik di piringan tempat menyimpan data. Tapi minimal masih banyak file yang dapat terselamatkan

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Service Guide Samsung

Samsung 3500Flip amputation & duct-tape case repair.
Samsung A100Secrets from the inside of a phone, tools, pictures and opening instructions.
Samsung A400Exploded view, spare parts list.
Samsung A500 et. al.Modified USB cable to make it capable of charging a mobile phone.
Samsung A680Housing replacement: a step-by-step HOWTO.
Samsung A920A guide to easy housing replaclement.
Samsung B3210 Genio QWERTYTroubleshooting the cellphone becomes a snap with this DIY guide.
Samsung B3410 (Corby Plus)With this instructions it is not that difficult to get the cellphone apart and replace the LCD.
Samsung B5310 Genio SlideTo start with the cellphone disassembly remove back cover, battery, SIM and memory card, now six screws need to be removed before you can pry away the battery compartment around the join with the main body of the phone and it should release without much force. The volume and phone lock buttons may also come loose easily.
Samsung C100/C110An exploded view of the internals.
Samsung C200An exploded drawing with spare part numbers.
Samsung C3050Run a plastic tool around the join of the battery compartment to release it from the rest of the cellphone.
Samsung D307Do you want to mod up the housing of this cellphone: look up this exploded view.
Samsung D357An illustrated explanation of housing replacement.
Samsung D415 D418 D410Faceplate installation instructions and pictures.
Samsung D900Get ready to fit a new screen into the cellular phone, just follow these simple and illustrated instruction.
Samsung D900iAn illustrated step-by-step take apart and screen exchangement guide.
Samsung E105This video gives you assistance in flashing the keypad.
Samsung E400A cross-sectional drawing showing all the internal parts.
Samsung E590A step-by-step tutorial about LCD screen replacement.
Samsung E700Poor man's disassembly and flat repair.
Samsung E700An exploded drawing of the internal parts.
Samsung E715How to get the keypad flashed [video].
Samsung E900How to get the cell phone apart and the screen exchanged.
Samsung F110 MiCoachA complete step-by-step cellphone disembowel manual.
Samsung F210This guide enable you to replace the cellphone screen as well as other components.
Samsung F480 ToccoThis concise guide uncovers all the inner parts and helps to repair or replace them.
Samsung G600All the tools and tricks you need to know for LCD removal and replacement.
Samsung H1 (GT-i8320) - Vodafone 360How to use a cheap plastic tool e.g. a credit card to get the cellphone apart and a broken display replaced.
Samsung i550All the information you need to repair a broken cellphone display without paying for a professional service.
Samsung i900 OmniaA short but wellknown written guide to cellphone repair.
Samsung i910 OmniaA cellphone teardown HOWTO.
Samsung i910 OmniaPictures of the inner cellphone parts with additional IC diagramms.
Samsung i8510 INNOV8All the tips and tricks you need to know to get this cellphone apart and repaired.
Samsung i8910 Omnia HDYo have to run a plastic tool around the join of the camera cover in order to release it and get access to the inner parts of the cellphone.
Samsung L770First remove back cover, battery, SIM and memory card. Now lever off the panel near the bottom of the cellphone, it's held in place with double sided tape and you may need to slide a thin blade underneath to remove it.
Samsung M100An exploded view into the internal of the phone.
Samsung M150There are four slots inside the battery compartment, push a mobile phone opening tool into each slot and then turn it, this will release the clips that hold the battery compartment in place.
Samsung P520 ArmaniAn unofficial but free LCD screen replacement manual.
Samsung P777All the tools and tricks you need to get the housing exchanged.
Samsung S100A sectional drawing showing the internal parts.
Samsung S300How to change the housing.
Samsung S3030 TobiDo you need help with taking apart this cellphone? This illustrated manual tells you how to disassembly the phone and substitute a broken screen.
Samsung S3100After removing six screws you can pry the battery compartment away from the rest of the cellphone, now you can unlock the ribbon connector. It attaches like a plug and socket, just lever this up to unplug.
Samsung S3500This slider phone can be opened to get the screen replaced.
Samsung S3650 (Corby/Genio/Genio Touch)Fix your cell phone cheaply with this repair guide.
Samsung S5230 Tocco LiteWithout these tips and tricks it's not that easy to crack this cellphone open.
Samsung S5600 BladeThis disassembly guide will answer some questions about getting the cellphone open.
Samsung S7220 LucidoIf you have any questions about the disassembly of this cellphone and don't have a copy of the official service manual, this guide gives you a start.
Samsung S8000 JetA full cellphone strip down with pictures.
Samsung S8300 Tocco Ultra (UltraTOUCH)This unofficial manual describes how to substitute the LCD screen.
Samsung T616Video instructions giving assistance to get the keypad replaced.
Samsung U600Take apart and screen replacement manual.
Samsung U900If you have any questions about the disassembly of this cell phone, this guide will be helpful.
Samsung X105This video guide describes how to flash the keypad.
Samsung X640Disassembly pictures and schematics for the Mobile Action MA-8230P serial USB data cable and charger. Inside there are two ICs PL2303 (USB-to-RS232 bridge) and an EM78P153S (and 8 bit MCU).
Samsung Z100A cutaway view of the mobile phone.
Samsung Z105An exploded drawing and spare parts listing.
Samsung SCH-A670A step-by-step faceplate replacement HOWTO.
Samsung SCH-A950An illustrated faceplate installation guide.
Samsung SCH-U940 GlydeDon't panic or throw away your cell phone when the LCD screen is dead. You can assembly it yourself for about 60 dollars, not the cheapest but it beats paying 200 dollars for a new phone. This guide will show you the steps you need to follow to replace the LCD screen and the touchscreen together in one piece.
Samsung SGH-800Stripping the phone, pics and HOWTO.
Samsung SGH-2400Demounting the phone, pictures, tools and explanations.
Samsung SGH-A288Dismantlement pictures and instructions.
Samsung SGH-D415/SGH-D410This HOWTO gives you assistance in changing the cellphone housing.
Samsung SGH-D500This free instructions should prove very useful for those of you fitting new LCD's, ribbon cables, lenses or fascias.
Samsung SGH-D500How to change the cover of the cellphone (in German).
Samsung SGH-D600This cellphone disassembly tutorial explains how to get the PCB out.
Samsung SGH-D600A video tutorial explaining a complete cellphone disassembly [video].
Samsung SGH-D600A step-by-step mobilephone take apart guide [video].
Samsung SGH-E315Faceplate changement instructions and pictures.
Samsung SGH-F490It's not that difficult to repair this cellphone if you follow this concise guide.
Samsung SGH-i600To crack this phone open six screws need to be removed. The two at the top are covered by rubber stoppers which can be levered out with a screwdriver.
Samsung SGH-J600All the tips and tricks you need to know for taking this cellphone apart completely.
Samsung SGH-J700Remove back cover, battery, SIM and memory card and the four screws you can see now. Peel back the sticker you may need something with a thin, sharp point to peel the sticker back with. Two rubber stoppers need to be levered out to reveal two more screws that must be removed.
Samsung SGH-N188Under the hood, pictures from the inside and dissection instructions.
Samsung SGH-P900Ever dreamed of making your mobile TV fixed? Wouldn't it be nice to watch the mobile channels from your PC? But your phone will not work mobile anymore ... be warned! Includes disassembly instructions.
Samsung SPH-A660 (aka VI660)How to attach a selfmade antenna to the cellphone. Sumber: repair4mobilephone

Service Guide Nokia

Nokia 918pDisassembling, painting and LED modding illustrated.
Nokia 1100Illustrated dismantling instructions.
Nokia 1110This illustrated guide explains how to add a blue SMD LED (in German).
Nokia 1100Keypad flashing: this helpfull video shows all you need to get the keypad out and a new one in.
Nokia 1100This short guide into the innards of the cellphone can't replace a full service manual, but it works for a start.
Nokia 1112A concise take cellphone take apart and repair guide with pictures.
Nokia 1208A comprehensive LCD replacement manual.
Nokia 1260Disassembly instructions with pictures.
Nokia 2110How to refurbish a broken cell phone a flashlight.
Nokia 2300An illustrated dismantling tutorial.
Nokia 2310First remove the battery cover, battery and SIM card. Turn the phone over and remove the front cover. It just pulls off and you can go on to substitute the LCD screen.
Nokia 2330With the assistance of this guide it becomes fairly easy to take this cellphone apart and replace the inner parts.
Nokia 2600 ClassicCellphone take apart and LCD substitution guide.
Nokia 2610A small cellularphone take apart guide.
Nokia 2610Have you dropped your cellphone and broke the LCD screen? Surprisingly this is really easy to fix; everyone can do it. All you need is a few basic tools, and around an hour work.
Nokia 2630LCD replacement: an illustrated step-by-step DIY tutorial.
Nokia 2650An illustrated autopsy tutorial.
Nokia 2680 SlideThis is an easily understandable slidephone disassembly and repair guide.
Nokia 2730 ClassicThis take apart guide helps you troubleshooting a broken cell phone.
Nokia 2770A short keypad flashing videp tutorial.
Nokia 3100Take apart instructions and pictures.
Nokia 3100Replacement guide to get the keypad out and another one into the cellphone.
Nokia 3110All the tips and tricks to get the phone display replaced.
Nokia 3120How to replace the display of a mobile phone.
Nokia 3120 ClassicThis cellphone teardown guide can be useful if you have questions about LCD substitution.
Nokia 3200Relive the glory days with this NES Controller that has been modified into a cellphone. Everything is original - the buttons and casing.
Nokia 3200A brief video about creating an NES controller cellphone. The electronics used didn't quite fit, so it ended up a little flat [video].
Nokia 3200An illustrated take apart and reassembly manual.
Nokia 3200Everything you need to know to get the keypad changed.
Nokia 3200There is only one special tool required to get to the inside of this cellphone, take a Torx 6 screwdriver.
Nokia 3200/5100/6100/7100Replacing broken battery contacts.
Nokia 3210Working with normal AA-batteries.
Nokia 3210Display modding (in Swedish).
Nokia 3210Opening manual - just see how simple it is and do it by yourself. Picture of the PCB (Printed Circuit Board).
Nokia 3210Changing LED (call.: Blue LED solution) can be very simple.
Nokia 3210Illustrated dismantling instructions.
Nokia 3210This HOWTO explains how to add a vibration motor into the housing of the mobile phone (in German).
Nokia 3210How make the LEDs blink in sync with the vibration motor (in German).
Nokia 3210How to add a vibration motor (in German).
Nokia 3210Four solutions to avoid the flicker of white LEDs, caused by the DC/CD convertor (V105 TEA1210TS) (in German).
Nokia 3210A short HOWTO showing how to take apart the cellular phone and add a vibration motor, no soldering required (in German).
Nokia 3210A second life for an old mobile phone: how to build a remote car heater control system (in German).
Nokia 3210This guide provides a step-by-step tutorial explaining the replacement of the SMD LEDs (in German).
Nokia 3210How to substitute the LEDs with blue one (in German).
Nokia 3210How to put a vibration alarm motor into the cellphone (in German).
Nokia 3210LED replacement tutorial: how to change the LED to a new color, e.g. blue, red, white or orange (in German).
Nokia 3210Schematics for building a data cable for the cell phone (in German).
Nokia 3210 (et. al)LCD display schematics and disassembly images.
Nokia 3220A step-by-step dissection guide.
Nokia 3220Cellphone take apart and LCD screen replacement tutorial.
Nokia 3230Take apart notes and pictures.
Nokia 3230Exploded view and parts list.
Nokia 3250Home made Pokia: retro-fitting an old telephone handset to a mobile phone.
Nokia 3285Disassembly and LED information.
Nokia 3300Detailed disassembly HOWTO.
Nokia 3310PhoneGlow: How to change the background-light from green to blue.
Nokia 3310How to open, instructions and pictures.
Nokia 3310Strobo-Phone: How you put in a LED, or in this case: a blinking LED.
Nokia 3310This illustrated guide shows how to rip the LCD from the mobile phone and attach it to a LPT printer port (in German).
Nokia 3310How to make a custom I/O button. This HOWTO explains how to create a mold from hard plaster and filling it with silicone. This HOWTO explains how to create a caliper mold from hard plaster and filling it with silicone (in German).
Nokia 3310How to remove a part L511 from the logic board which caused accidentical hangups (in German).
Nokia 3310If you have any questions about the screen replacement for this cellphone, just take this illustrated guide.
Nokia 3310How to add a ribbon service cable to the hidden port behind the battery and change the firmware to update with extras.
Nokia 3310/3330Illustrated dissection manual.
Nokia 3310/3330/3410Tools, parts and soldering techniques to get the SMD LEDs converted to another color (in German).
Nokia 3310/3330This tutorial describes how to take the cellphone apart and invert the display by changing the foil (in German).
Nokia 3310/3330/3410There are some SMDs to be changed to get a blue lighted cellphone keypad (in German).
Nokia 3315The PCB (print circuit board, the green plate) was not easy to dismantle without damaging it, nevertheless, with a bit of patience and care this was possible to take of the shield without damaging the cellphone.
Nokia 3360Disassembly and LED modding guide.
Nokia 3360How to change the LEDs.
Nokia 3360Keypad flashing made easy. This video takes you through all neccessary take apart and re-assembly steps.
Nokia 3360/8290LCD color flip.
Nokia 3390/95/10LED install information.
Nokia 3390Disassembly HOWTO and pictures.
Nokia 3390Disassembly video explaining how to flash the keypad.
Nokia 3410Disassembly picture gallery and HOWTO.
Nokia 3410An illustrated step-by-step SMD-LED modding tutorial (in German).
Nokia 3410First remove the back cover, battery and SIM from the cellphone, now you can pry the clips at the bottom of the phone away, in order to release the front cover.
Nokia 3500 ClassicLCD replacement and cellphone dissection tutorial.
Nokia 3510How to change the LEDs.
Nokia 3510Do you want to change the color of the cellphone display? This HOWTO tells you how to change the LEDs (in German).
Nokia 3510 / 3510iLCD module pinouts.
Nokia 3510i / 3530LCD display schematics and disassembly images.
Nokia 3510iDismantling guide and images.
Nokia 3510iAdded a nice LED inside the phone (in Finnish).
Nokia 3510iThis HOWTO shows how to put blue SMD LEDs into the mobile phone housing (in German).
Nokia 3560Tools and take apart instructions to get the keypad changed [video].
Nokia 3585Keypad flashing instruction video.
Nokia 3586A step-by-step explanation to keypad flashing [video].
Nokia 3600 SlideRun something like a credit card around the join of the bottom part of the front cover in order to release it.
Nokia 3650Complete dismantling tutorial.
Nokia 5000If you have any questions about getting this cellular phone disassembled and the LCD screen substituted try this illustrated tutorial.
Nokia 5100Opening instructions and pictures.
Nokia 51xx/61xxChanging LEDs, programming netmonitor, cheat codes.
Nokia 51xx/61xxPinout scheme (in German).
Nokia 51xx/61xxSchematics for a selfmalde data cable.
Nokia 51xx/61xxSelfmade DLR-3 cable.
Nokia 51xx, 61xx, 71xx und 62xxBuilding a serial data cable (RS-232) (in German).
Nokia 5100/6100Disassembly and repair HOWTO.
Nokia 5100/6100Adding an answer/end call button to a headset.
Nokia 5100/6100/8200/8800Solder pad fix, LED soldering.
Nokia 5110Opening instructions and pictures.
Nokia 5110Complete take apart image gallery.
Nokia 5110/5130/6110/6130How to change the LEDs: take part pictures and soldering tips (in German).
Nokia 5110/6110Changing the display and keyboard illumination color.
Nokia 5110/6110A standard audio amplifier adaptor for the headset. A headset is useful device when you are outdoors. At home you may prefer speaking directly to the phone. But you can connect the phone to your hi-fi amplifier at home and play music on the line, record the calls, and use it as a "wireless microphone".
Nokia 5130How to exchange the original LEDs to blue LEDs (in German).
Nokia 5130 Xpress MusicA short cellphone disassembly and repair manual.
Nokia 5140An illustrated take apart tutorial.
Nokia 5190Pictures from the inside.
Nokia 51xx/61xx/62xx/71xxA short-circuit to get the backlight always on (this is the same technique as used in the car kit) (in German).
Nokia 5200An illustrated LCD screen substitution tutorial.
Nokia 5210All the tools (Torx-6 screwdriver, tweezers, wire cutter, gloves, soldering iron) and tricks you need to get the LEDs changed (in German).
Nokia 5220 Xpress MusicThis crack down guide is almost better than the original technical manual provided by the cellphone manufacturer.
Nokia 5230How to get the cellphone chassis opened and the touch screen substituted.
Nokia 5300 XpressMusicTake apart and LCD screen replacement guide with photos.
Nokia 5310Is the keypad on your cellphone broken? Or got your phone wet and the keypad no longer works? Then this is the repair guide you need to follow to get the damaged part replaced.
Nokia 5310Cellphone LCD screen replacement and disassembly guide.
Nokia 5310Is the front cover on your mobile phone broken or really scratched up? Do you want to change the color of the housing? If so then this is the guide for you.
Nokia 5310 XpressMusicIs the LCD on your cell phone cracked? Did the backlight stop working? Step by step how to guide with good pictures.
Nokia 5320 XpressMusicThis inofficial manual gives an illustrated description of cellphone LCD display substitution.
Nokia 5510Disassembly pictures and HOWTO.
Nokia 5530 Xpress MusicThis guide can serve as a manual for LCD display substitution as well as for repairing the touch screen.
Nokia 5610 Xpress MusicIn case you have to replace the LCD screen you need to put this phone back together in a slightly different order to how you took it apart.
Nokia 5800 Xpress MusicTo take apart this cellular phone remove the back cover, the battery, the SIM card, the stylus and the memory card. Remove the four screws you can see now, then pull the coloured outer band outwards at various points, this will release the clips holding the band in place.
Nokia 6015iDo you want to mod up the housing of this cellphone? Look up this detailed take apart pictures.
Nokia 6061How to open the protector case, an illustrated guide.
Nokia 6100Opening guide with pictures.
Nokia 6100How to put a new LCD into the cellphone and connect it to a MSP4300 with a 3 Bit serial interface to the PCF8833 controller (in German).
Nokia 6100, 7210, 6610, 7250 and 6220Controlling a mobile phone display with an Atmel-AVR chipset.
Nokia 6101 (Rogers Wireless)An illustrated take apart HOWTO.
Nokia 6101Illustrated faceplate installation guide.
Nokia 6110Integrated LED flashlight.
Nokia 6110 NavigatorTo get this cellphone open start near the top of the phone and run something like the edge of a credit card around the join of the front cover to release it. Now you are able to go further on to replace broken parts, for example the LCD.
Nokia 6120 ClassicIf you have any questions about repairing this cellphone check this illustrated guide.
Nokia 6124Run a plastic tool around the edge of the join of the camera surround to unclip it. Now you can proceed further to get the LCD replaced.
Nokia 6131How to take the cellphone apart carefully and get access to the circuit board and the LCD.
Nokia 6150Many old Nokia cellular phones have graphical LCDs based on the PCD8544 controller. These are perfect for various electronic projects with microcontrollers. The interface is a two-wire serial type (clock and data), and some additional signals. The LCD supply is a single 3.3 V with very low supply current. This is not really a "hack"; we are merely re-using parts of the phone.
Nokia 6170/7270Exploded drawing with parts list.
Nokia 6200Keypad replacement: this video guide gives you some assistance.
Nokia 6210Dismantling instructions with illustrations.
Nokia 6210How to open the housing with a Torx screw driver and replace the cover (in German).
Nokia 6210This step-by-step tutorial tells you everything you need to know for changing the cellphone LEDs (in German).
Nokia 6210 NavigatorHow to remove the LCD frame to get inside the cellphone an substitute the LCD screen.
Nokia 6220 ClassicTo replace the LCD screen you now need to remove the front cover. It's held on with clips around edge. Run something like a credit card all the way around the join of the front cover and it will unclip.
Nokia 6230HOW-TO: Make a Nokia Pop port to female mini jack with volume control for the HDS-3 cable to the headset.
Nokia 6230Take apart picture gallery.
Nokia 6230Cellphone take apart guide, describing how to replace the keypad.
Nokia 6230After you have detached back cover, battery and SIM card you can the front cover away from the phone. To get to innards of the cellphone follow this guide.
Nokia 6230iA teardown report with disassembly photos.
Nokia 6233Instead of the official service manual for this phone this tutorial may also help you with the cellphone disassembly and screen exchangement.
Nokia 6234A short guide to disassembly and LCD panel substitution.
Nokia 6260Take apart HOWTO and image gallery.
Nokia 6280Display cover removal for dust cleaning, an illustrated tutorial.
Nokia 6280How to fit a replacement LCD screen to a mobilephone.
Nokia 6280Your cellphone screen doesn't work anymore, this DIY replacement guide will help.
Nokia 6280This video is particularly useful for those of you looking to replace a speaker, ribbon cable or keypad rather than just the LCD, although this is covered very well too.
Nokia 6300An illustrated guide to LCD changing.
Nokia 6303 ClassicThis concise manual illustrates how to disassemble the cellphone.
Nokia 6310This guide provides assistance to get the LEDs changed to LEDs with another color (in German).
Nokia 6310You don't like the color of the original LEDs? Here are some pictures explaining how to get the conversion done (in German).
Nokia 6310iAn illustrated take apart guide to prepare the removal of the LCD.
Nokia 6310/6310iIllustrated take apart tutorial.
Nokia 6340iLED installation manual.
Nokia 6340iDisassembly instructions and picture gallery.
Nokia 6360Disassembly and LED information.
Nokia 6360LED replacement guide.
Nokia 6500 ClassicA guide to mobile phone screen replacement.
Nokia 6500 SlideAll you need to know about disassembling the cellphone completely and swapping the LCD screen: take apart guide, tools, tricks and pics.
Nokia 6510Dismantling and reaassembly guide with pictures.
Nokia 6510How to achieve a background color hardware inversion of the monochrome LCD display by attaching a polarization foil behind the screen (in German).
Nokia 6560This video guides you through keypad flashing.
Nokia 6600Dismantling instructions with pictures.
Nokia 6600Take apart explantions and pictures.
Nokia 6600How to replace the BL-5C battery with a BL-6C.
Nokia 6600 FoldThis unofficial take apart manual helps in replacing a broken LCD screen.
Nokia 6600 SlideAn illustrated teardown and LCD replacement manual.
Nokia 6610Project: LogiNoki - Logitech G5 Laser Mouse and Nokia 6610 Mobile Phone LCD Screen Hybrid.
Nokia 6610iPictures from the inside, dismantling instructions.
Nokia 6630An illustrated opening and take apart tutorial.
Nokia 6650Illustrated opening tutorial.
Nokia 6670/7610Exploded view and parts list.
Nokia 6680Parts list and exploded drawing.
Nokia 6680To take the cellphone apart and the LCD replcaced, first remove the battery cover, battery, SIM and memory card. To remove the camera surround you need a tool with a slight hook on the end to release two clips.
Nokia 6681To take the mobilephone apart, first remove the battery cover & battery. Than remove the aerial cover/camera lens. Two clips hold this in place, so lift these back first then run something like a credit card around the join to remove the aerial cover. Tools required: Torx 6 screwdriver.
Nokia 6700 ClassicTo replace a broken screen you will need a T5 star type screwdriver, a plastic knife and maybe some tweezers if the little L.E.D flash comes off the cover and of course this brilliant video tutorial.
Nokia 6700 ClassicHow to get the top cellphone cover off and the LCD screen repaired.
Nokia 6800Opening instructions and pictures.
Nokia 6820An illustrated take apart HOWTO.
Nokia 7070Open the cellphone and remove the screw covers, they just clip off and on and now you should be able to lever them off with your fingernail.
Nokia 7100How to fix a loose slide.
Nokia 7100 SuperNovaThis guide is almost a complete manual of cellphone disassembly.
Nokia 7110LCD display schematics and disassembly images.
Nokia 7110Take apart pictures and HOWTO.
Nokia 7110An illustrated take apart guide showing how to replace the display LEDs.
Nokia 7110LED replacement: tools, tricks and take apart tutorial (in German).
Nokia 7160Detailed disassembly guide.
Nokia 7160Auto slide install.
Nokia 7190Auto slide install.
Nokia 7200Take apart guide with illustrations.
Nokia 7210/6610Opening and take apart HOWTO.
Nokia 7250/7250iTake apart HOWTO with illustrations.
Nokia 7270Complete step-by-step dismantling guide with images.
Nokia 7310 SuperNovaA concise cellphone dissection guide with photos.
Nokia 7500How to get access to the circuit board and the LCD.
Nokia 7510 SupernovaThis helpful document explains in easy language and with some photographs how to substitute a dead LCD screen.
Nokia 7600Dismantling guide and illustrations.
Nokia 7610How to make the phone work with regular sized MMC's.
Nokia 7610Take apart instructions and pictures.
Nokia 7610Wide angle attachment made from a lense out of another camera and attached with duct tape.
Nokia 7650Complete illustrated step-by-step take apart guide, with an overview about all the neccessary tools for a professional job.
Nokia 7710Spare parts list and exploded view.
Nokia 7610 SuperNovaThis guide is not the official service manual, but it will help you to get the cellphone apart nevertheless.
Nokia 7900 PrismRemove the back cover, battery, SIM and memory card. Now you can remove the six black screws, three on each side, to get the cellphone dissected.
Nokia 8110Dissection HOWTO and images.
Nokia 8210Behind the cover, pictures of a disassembly.
Nokia 8210How to take apart explanation with images.
Nokia 8210Bored with the color of the mobilephone display? This guide explains how to replace the LEDs (in German).
Nokia 8250Disassembly photo gallery.
Nokia 8260Conversion from 8260 to 8860.
Nokia 8260A complete disassembly with pictures.
Nokia 8260Aurora 8260: If you don't like the icky green lighting and the vile display this guide describe how to change it to blue for the display and red for the keypad.
Nokia 8260/8860Speaker fixes with pictures.
Nokia 8265Disassembly instructions and pictures.
Nokia 8290An illustrated disassembly manual.
Nokia 8310Pictures from the inside, disassembly tips and tools.
Nokia 8310A take apart tutorial with pictures.
Nokia 8310Take apart and soldering instructions for changing the LEDs (in German).
Nokia 8390LED modding HOWTO.
Nokia 8390How to disassemble the mobile.
Nokia 8810Under the hood, dissection pictures and instructions.
Nokia 8810This tutorial explains how to disassemble the mobile phone and replace the LEDs (in German).
Nokia 8850/8890Illustrated take apart instructions.
Nokia 8860Disassembly manual and pictures.
Nokia 8890Complete disassembly instructions and pictures.
Nokia 8890 (and 6190)How to fix a notorious screen flake.
Nokia 8910/8910iOpening instructions and illustrations.
Nokia 9210iHow to make a solar charger.
Nokia 9210/9210iIllustrated dismantling tutorial.
Nokia 9290Disassembly manual and pictures.
Nokia C6To replace a broken LCD or Digitizer you need T5 & T6 star type screwdrivers, a small bladed screwdriver, a plastic knife (or some other plastic tool) and some tweezers to grab the screws. Replacement parts are very easy to find online. And of course doing this will void any warranty.
Nokia C7To replace a broken screen or digitizer you need the parts and some knowhow provided in this video tutorial.
Nokia E50Step-by-Step disassembly guide to making your own Metal Black cellphone.
Nokia E50Starting at the top, run your fingernail around the join of the front cover and it will release. This tutorial reveals all the neccessary details you need to know to get the phone display changed.
Nokia E51First remove the front cover. Now you are able to remove the two screws which fix the metal LCD frame.
Nokia E61Take apart picture gallery.
Nokia E61How to use a plastic shim to lift the antenna cover away from the phone (some force is required) and replace the screen.
Nokia E65To get the LCD screen exchanged first remove the battery cover, battery, SIM and memory card. Now run a plastic tool all the way around the join of the front cover in order to release the clips that hold it in place.
Nokia E71This free manual assists in exchanging a defunct LCD screen.
Nokia E90 CommunicatorA complete step-by-step take apart tutorial with many photos.
Nokia CommunicatorCan You Hear Me Now? Do-it-yourself cell phone antenna.
Nokia N8Looking for do-it-yourself repair instructions? Take this free guide.
Nokia N70A disassembly video with details from the inside of the mobile phone [video].
Nokia N70Got questions about how to substitute the LCD screen of this cellphone? Take this free illustrated guide.
Nokia N73Need to fix a smashed screen, here are all the tips and tricks to get the job done.
Nokia N73To start with the cellphone disassembly un-do the front casing clips first, which are located at the top, left and right of the handset.
Nokia N75Run your fingernail or the edge of a credit card around the join of the top half of the cellphone to release the clips which hold the front cover on. Now you are ready to disconnect the ribbon connector to the LCD screen, which can be exchanged then.
Nokia N80An illustrated disassemble and LCD changing guide.
Nokia N81Use a plastic shim, e.g. a guitar plectrum or a credit card to lift the top keypad away from the phone and get access to the LCD.
Nokia N82All the information you need to replace a broken screen.
Nokia N85How to take apart the cellphone, substitute the LCD screen and resassemble it.
Nokia N86A concise LCD replacement manual for the cellphone.
Nokia N95How to fix a jerky slider, you need: scissors, tweezers, T5/T6 screw driver and tape.
Nokia N95This tutorial explains how to take the cellphone apart and swap a broken LCD screen.
Nokia N95Ultimate loose/wobbly slider fix! Here is a guide explaining you how to fix your loose slider with a screwdriver and some cellotape.
Nokia N95Step-by-step instructions to get the mobile phone apart and the LCD screen substituted.
Nokia N95This video shows how to strip a cellphone from its dignity.
Nokia N95Teardown guide, which provides a look inside the mobile phone but should not be used as disassembly instructions.
Nokia N95Overview of the mobile phone hardware with circuit diagrams and labeled chips.
Nokia N95 8GBHow to fix a wobbly slider. An illustrated tutorial with take apart instructions (in German).
Nokia N95 8GBTake apart and LCD replacement guide with pics.
Nokia N96No officical service manual at hand? Just remove the battery cover, battery, SIM and memory card. Now push the slide up and remove the two screws to gain access to the innards of the cellphone.
Nokia N97Mini LCD and touch screen replacement guide.
Nokia N-GageIllustrated dismantling HOWTO.
Nokia N-GageSide Talking is dead. Long live Rear Talking. How to move speaker and microphone to the back.
Nokia N GageA step-by-step guide to LCD replacent. The guide comes with helpful photos.
Nokia X3You don't know how to pry open this mobile phone? Take this illustrated tour to the innards of the phone.
Nokia X6With this guide at your fingertips you do not need to call Doctor Cellphone to fix your broken gadget.
Nokia N.N.A hand-painted mobile phone cover.
Nokia N.N.How to make a RiverSpy2 monitoring system.
Nokia (misc. models)Fix for a loose battery.
Nokia (misc. models)Homemade datacables: DLR-3P and DAU-9.
Nokia (misc. models)Frequently Asked Questions for Data Cables.
Nokia (misc. models)How to add a backlight dimmer to a mobile phone (in German).
Nokia (misc. models)How to fix overheating BL-5C batteries. There are two steps to find out if the Nokia battery you have on your phone has a potential to overheat or *shudder* explode.

Sumber: repair4mobilephone

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